Saturday, October 31, 2009

2. Kids' Enemy at Home

A common scene: A little kid, sitting in front of the tv and watches it like he/she is hypnotized. We all know that it harms children and experts keep telling it everyday. I read an article about this again and wanted to share.

It says that australian government has prepared a guide about the harmful effects of watching tv in ages less than 2. The guide tells that watching tv defects children's neurons and can cause kids to be asocial in the future. It also extends children's focusing time and can cause more harmful results. Instead of this, If we think about the programs having place on our tv's, let's keep kids far from it.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

1. Cheever's Letters

I've realized that the author of the story "The Enormous Radio" John Cheever had been mentioned in the popular tv series "Seinfeld". I watched the mentioned episode, "Cheever's Letters" (Season 4, Episode 8), had lots of fun and wanted to share with you. Although the topic was not about Cheever's literary career, it was still surprising to hear about him in Seinfeld.

I tried to download the episode video to my blog page but couldn't make it because of the size of the video, but you can download it from BK.

In the episode, George's girlfriend Susan's father has a cabin and it burns down. Her dad gets very upset and keeps telling about the importance of the things inside the cabin but doesn't tell what ther are. At the end of the episode, a fireman comes to Susan's apartment and gives her a box and says that that box is the only thing remains from the cabin. They open it and find letters from John Cheever. They get excited and when they read the letters, they find out that Susan's dad and John Cheever were lovers in the past and these were his love letters. :)