Saturday, December 5, 2009

10. Practice Presentation

Last, week we did our practice presentations, which was my 2. experience. Comparing to the one I did in high school, the audience was looking more interested, which had a motivating effect on me. Their taking notes made me feel like I was an important person and strengthened my self-confidence. :)

When we took the feedback, I agreed all the "negative facts" except the one about the font and color of the texts in the slideshow. I had really worked hard in adapting the text's colour with the dominant colour of the images. :)

What I did not like about myself was being too nervous. I forgot half of the things I had to say and had diffuculties in making correct sentences, although I did not have any in writing the same ones.

If I were the one to grade, my mark would be 65/100.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, people were taking notes? I hadn't even noticed that! It's a good feeling, isn't it (it's the same for a teacher...)

    I thought your slides were smashing, very nicely designed.

    You didn't seem nervous and you spoke slowly, which made it easy for us to follow what you were saying.

    I think you have marked yourself quite harshly. :) Although I cannot give marks for a practice presentation, I can easily say it deserved more than D+!
