Tuesday, December 29, 2009

11. Ideal Woman

There is an "ideal woman" created by media and women's desire on looking like that woman can sometimes cause big problems. For example, I read a story about a woman, who had always been overweight in her whole life. She gets married and starts living with her mother-in-law. Her husbands family always tries to make her lose weight, takes away her meals in front of her and tells her that a woman cannot be like her and if she does not lose weight, her husband will go to other women. These insulting actions of them make her miserable and she makes an unhealthy diet, which turned into blumia in 2 years. Now, she is still trying to be healthy as she used to be.

This created ideal women are only 5% of the whole women, but on TV, the percentage of those women are about 100%, which makes the other women think like they are the only one who is not "perfect". Of course this being perfect is also an issue, which is determined by the tv. For example about 40 years ago, the film stars were all a bit overweight and all women were trying to be like them. But now, we see that especially in advertisements that woman are unhappy when they are fat and do not enjoy life, but as they lose weight, they have fun again and be happy. Especially in the advertisements of diet products, we see that the key of happiness is being beautiful.


  1. That is a sad, sad story. Those in-laws should be put away!

    Actually, the stars of 40 years ago were not overweight at all. It's only our current perception that may make it seem that way.

  2. but 50 years ago, marilyn monroe was on top and she was definetely not like victoria beckham =) i could not find the right word i think, i wanted to say "not skinny" with overweight.
